General Meeting Minutes for 2024  

 Grand Island Lions Club  Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2024 at Mallwitz Bowling Lanes
Tom Rusert, VP
Shelia Ferrantino, Membership Chair
Paul Bassette, Director
Anne Fahning, Director
Susan Standora, Director
Dick Crawford – Immediate Past President
1. Meeting called to order by VP Rusert at 6:35
2. Treasurer Report provided to all members by e-mail. Motion by Lion Fahning second by Lion Ferrentino to accept      
report. Motion passed.
3. President correspondence:
a. None
4. Secretary Report:
a. None given
5. New Business:
• Venmo only to be used for fundraisers by members, we are charged for this service
• Commit Change and credit cards can be used for the Spaghetti Dinner
• Request letter has been sent to Manager Mike Maio at TOPS
• Basket Raffle – Anne, Shelia & Kelly.  Members are asked to either give a $20.00 donation or put a basket together. 
• All are asked to baked goods for the Spaghetti Dinner Desert table.
• Review seating plan with Ellden’s for maximum seating
• Tickets will be ordered and delivered and Publicity for everyone

6. Old Business: None

7. Ferrentino was chosen for the split club. She picked a silver kiss, so it continues.
8. Motion by Ferrentino, second by Fahning to adjourn. Motion passed.
Adjourned – Lion Fahning second Lion Ferrentino
Submitted By Lion Jim Ryan



Grand Island Lions Club
March 27,2024
Meeting Minutes
In attendance: lions Tom R, Shelia, Dick C. , Susan, Anne F .and Paul K
6:38 pm Call to Order
Treasurer’s Report – approval tabled.
Minutes for last meeting – approval tabled.
From the treasurer, Tom W :
  We are eligible for $1,732.41 from the Community For Greater Buffalo Foundation, once we obtain at least that amount in qualified charitable expenditures ( QCE’s) from October 1,2023- September 1,2024. Currently we have spent $750 in QCE’s. Previous rulings indicate General Account expenditures and Welfare Account expenditures for scholarships, raffle tickets, Peace Poster contest kit and prizes and Kids Picnic expenditures do not qualify as QCE’s
Dick discussed our receipt of $1,000 in Gift Cards from Tops. This is a gift from them to our club in celebration of their recent Grand Re-Opening. A photo will be submitted to Isle de Grande .
Lion Tom W. requests $ 100 for food gift cards for the State Convention . Tabled
Lion Anne F suggested a different location for the April 10 meeting with the idea that we could encourage members to invite prospective members in a social setting.
Read newsletter for details for the meeting.
Lion Paul B is contacting Scott McManigle from Miracle League to see if we can participate in future events.
Anne F suggested selling 50/50 tickets at Sabres games. We may need our 501c3 in place for that .
Committee is still working on the slate for next year.
Lion Dick : Spaghetti dinner plans underway. He will contact Tops, the Chef etc over the coming days. Raffle committee is working on donations.
Lion Tom R. Please consider dropping donations for the Neighbors Foundation at his home, at 895 N Colony, if you are not able to attend meetings.

Loan Closet is overflowing so a day will be scheduled to clean it out .
Lion Shelia: The BLC has been booked for the Kids Picnic
7:46 meeting adjourned
 Respectfully submitted by
Lion Anne Fahning


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 10, 2024
Attendance: 9 Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Susan Standora, Jim Ryan, Donna Lavallee, guest Debbie Hays

The meeting was called to order by Lion President Kelly at 6:56 PM  
Pledge: Lion Donna, introduced guest Debbie Hays
Prayer: Lion Kelly
LP Kelly acknowledged Lion Tom R for filling in in her absence.

March 27, 2024 minutes; Lion Dick made a motion to approve the minutes as well as the tabled 3/13/24 minutes, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Lion Jim will email the 3/13/24 minutes for review.

Treasurers Report: Lion Tom W: Welfare and General account balances were reviewed. Motion to accept the TR Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor, motion passed. Discussion on monies received from bottle donation, $469.64. It is possible that some of these donations came from the community. If so should the money go to welfare account. This money could not be transferred to general.  Lion Dick made a motion that 2/3 money be allocated to the general fund and 1/3 to the welfare fund. Seconded by Lion Anne, discussion, vote 7 aye 1 nay, motion passed.

Secretary’s report: Lion Jim; requests from Excalibur, monies already sent and Riding Lions to sponsor a run on 9/14/24, this will go to the BOD.

Spaghetti Dinner:
Review of expenses and profit from last year.  After this year we will review at the August BOD meeting to see if we should increase ticket price to $11.  Lion Dick distributed tickets, each Lion is encouraged to sell 10 tickets. The dinner will be at Eldens 4/22/2024 from 5-8 PM.  Volunteers need to be there at 10:30 AM for set up and then again at 4 PM. There will be sit down and take out. 
• Lion Dick will ask Tops about food donation and Johns regarding meatball donation.
• We need to boost on social media. Ads will be in the Island wide dispatch. The press release will be in the Pennysaver and the dispatch.
• The signs will go up the week before. 
• Basket raffle; Lion Anne. We had 11 members donate for a total of $245 plus 2 bottles of wine, Lion Anne will make 2 large baskets, wine and liquor and lottery tix basket.  There will be some smaller donated baskets. We have help from Young Life.
• Lion Susan needs donated baked goods.

St Pauly Textile: Lion Donna: Things are slowly moving forward the school district’s legal consultants need to approve then it will go to the school board meeting for a vote.

Old Business: Please remember items for the GI Neighbors foundation.

New Business:
1. Lion Tom motion seeking approval for $100 in gift cards (grocery, Aldi and Dollar General) for the State convention in Binghamton, seconded by Lion Anne, vote all in favor, motion passed.
2. Reviewed the slate of officers for 2024-2025
President: Jim Ryan
VP: open
Corresponding: Kelly McGarvey
Rec Secretary: Donna Lavallee
Treasurer: Tom Witkowski
Lion Tamer/Tail twister: open not necessary to fill 
One year director: Anne Fahning and Susan Standora
Two year director: Dick Crawford and Paul Krupa
Publicity chair: Dave Chervinsky
Immediate past president: Kelly McGarvey
Motion for proposed slate list to be sent to the membership to accept the slate; Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Tom R.  All in favor, motion passed.

3. Status of 501C3: Lion Jim. We need a 2/3 vote from the membership Lion Jim will send out electronically and we need approval from the BOD.
4. Merrittan meeting is 5/8. We will meet at Mighty Taco to leave at 5:30 cost is $20.
5. Peace Poster: This meeting will be at the Bridgeview on 5/22.
6. Installation Dinner: June 12, Lion Dick will look into Eldens as the venue.
7. Lion President Kely: Kelly, Lion Jim and Lion Tom W will be going to the WNY Lions District meeting. Lion Jim will submit the slate of officers for 2024-2025.
8. Town wide clean up: April 20, 2024. The club’s responsibility is on GI Blvd between Webb south towards Taquito Lindo restaurant. Time 8-until complete. Lion Dick will send out a reminder email.
9. We have a request to zone chair Steve Smith to present chevrons and install our officers at the June 12th meeting.
10.  Lion Tom W gave a brief update on the Medical RAM event in 2025.
11.  Discussion regarding a possible electronic recycling event. As the Town Highway Department hosts a similar event it would be redundant.
12. Rotary Club will be hosting their paint recycling event again.

Upcoming meetings and events:
April 22- Spaghetti Dinner
April 24 – General and BOD meeting at Howard Hanna a Lion from the Akron Lions Club will present on an “Avenue of Flags” fundraiser.
May 8 at 10 Merrittan Lions
May 22: Bridgeview tavern; Peace Poster
June 12: Installation Dinner TBD

Split club: $22, Lion Adrienne, Lion Sarah Sweeney, Lion Anne…….a silver nugget. The split club will continue

Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Susan, all in favor, motion approved. 8:36 PM

Respectfully submitted: Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 24, 2024
Attendance: 8 Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Jim Ryan, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, guest John Diggs

The meeting was called to order by Lion President Kelly at 6:35 PM  
Pledge: Lion Tom, Prayer Lion Kelly, introduced guest John Diggs from Akron Lions Club
Prayer: Lion Kelly
Guest presentation:  John Diggs; Avenue of Flags fundraiser. Basically people subscribe to having a flag erected in their front yard for 5 major holidays a year, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day for an annual fee of $50.  Flags are installed at dawn and taken down at dusk.  Here is the step by step process. Akron Lions generates about $28k a year after the pay out for helper groups, the club gets $6 and the helper groups gets $4 per flag. Duties for a club is an assembly of Flags, placing receptacles with caps and marking the curb where the flag receptacles are, the flags are on 10 ft poles. Templates are set and we can put our information on brochures and signs.  If there is bad weather the flags are not put up because it is difficult to dry out the flags.
1. Determine how many flags you want to do
2. Create budget
3. Create accounts
a. Bank accounts
b. PO Box
c. Venmo
d. Facebook and other media
4. Order signs
5. Order Literature
6. Order materials
a. Order flags
b. Order pvc for collars
c. Order ¾” and 1 “ conduit
d. Order small and large caps
e. Order electrical swivel collars
7. Build flags
8. Canvas area door to door building routes
9. Find groups to work route
April 10, 2024 minutes; Lion Dick made a motion to approve the minutes with changes to nominating as well as the tabled 3/13/24 minutes, seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Lion Jim will email the 3/13/24 minutes for review.

Secretary’s report: Lion Jim; Thank you from the Lyndonville Lions Club for the “pop up eyeglass Clinic”.

Treasurers Report: Lion Tom W: will be going out tomorrow Gross $6598.79 there are some bills to pay, the net will be in the report.  Food was free from Tops and John’s Pizza. Lion Dick will send a thank you note.  The report will be sent out by Friday.
The district has been paid for the district training.  There is still money to be made for the community fund foundation, certain items are not eligible to go towards this fund.
Spaghetti Dinner:
Updates: 200 take out and a minimum of 175 sit down. Minor changes for the for of serving food. Set up of tables and help was good.  50/50 could have been better, Lion Tom R suggests that we do not sell any online next year, only sell at the event for $1 ticket and $10 and arms length, which is about 12 tickets.  Sales were down from by about $150. Bake sale about $542 and basket raffle about $1800.

St Pauly Textile: Lion Donna: No updates from last meeting.

Grand Island Clean up: Lions Dick, Susan, Anne, Kelly and Donna, we cleaned up 5 bags of garbage and served 1.5 hours.

Old Business: Please remember items for the GI Neighbors foundation.

New Business:
1. Nominating committee:   Lion Dick made a motion that corresponding secretary cast 1 vote for the slate as presented.  Discussion none, vote; all in favor, none opposed, motion passed.
2. Merrittan meeting is 5/8. We will meet at Mighty Taco to leave at 5:30 cost is $20. Lion Kelly, Tom W, Tom R, Dick C, Donna L so far.
3. Scholarship committee: Will meet on Thursday May 2 at 7 PM at Mark Frenzel’s office.  We only have 2 applicants this year. Some changes were made to entice more applicants these being, a change on the name and dropping the essay portion. We have 2 applications for the Outstanding character scholarship.  We have $2500 in the budget for the scholarships, $2000 for normal and $500 for the Character and Effort scholarship.  Lion Paul suggests that we are flexible this year in the allocations. Lion Paul received a call from the school district that the scholarship will be presented June 13th program for graduating seniors.  Lion Paul B will present and all Lions are encouraged to attend.  The committee will have recommendations to the club on possible changes to encourage more applicants. Motion: Lion Jim: that the committee be allowed to decide on allocation of the scholarship monies as long as we are within the advertised guidelines, seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, motion passed.
4. Motion by Lion Dick to give $100 to Chef Chris for helping on Spaghetti Dinner and $200 for the Brady’s for letting us use the facility, seconded by Lion Jim, all in favor, motion passed. Lion Dick will get the gift cards.  The new management team that will be running the facility met Lion Dick and we will try to get the event on the books for next year. If there is an issue we can have the event at the school district.

Upcoming meetings and events:
May 8 at Merrittan Lions
May 22: Bridgeview tavern; Peace Poster
June 12: Installation Dinner TBD

Split club: $26, Lion Tom…….a silver nugget. The split club will continue

Motion to adjourn: Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, motion approved. 8:06 PM

Respectfully submitted: Donna Lavallee











